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维吉尼亚州历来被视为对雇主友好的州.  Part of that reputation arises from the fact that it had relatively few wage payment regulations and that state courts were closed to most employment-related claims.  而不是, 雇员们不得不向联邦法院提出歧视申诉, 哪里有损害赔偿的法定上限, 他们不得不依靠劳工和工业部来追究任何工资支付要求.  不再......。. 今年, 新当选的民主党多数派在立法机构两院颁布了几项影响深远的法案, 由州长签署的"亲雇员"法案.  这些法律大多将于7月1日生效, 2020, 这将对弗吉尼亚州的就业产生巨大影响.  以下是对这些法律及其影响的简要总结.


最近,美国最高法院裁定 博斯托克v. 克莱顿,格鲁吉亚 that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers individuals who have been discriminated against due to their 性ual orientation or transgender status.  The Virginia General Assembly beat the Court to the punch earlier this year when it passed the “Virginia Values Act” (“VVA”) that amends the Virginia Human Rights Act (“VHRA”) to add more protected classes and greater access to legal remedies.  之前, the VHRA only covered employers who had between five and fifteen employees and prohibited discriminatory terminations based on race, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性, 怀孕, 分娩或相关的医疗状况, 和年龄. 它旨在涵盖那些规模太小而不受联邦反歧视法规保护的雇主. 补救措施限于12个月的欠薪和不超过欠薪金额25%的律师费. 

在新的VVA下, 将于7月1日生效, 2020, VHRA的反歧视条款(除了基于年龄的条款)现在涵盖了 所有 雇员人数在15人以上的雇主. 雇佣五名或五名以上雇员的雇主可获保障.  For age-related claims employers with nineteen or more employees are covered for general discrimination claims and those with six or more employees for termination claims.  VVA还扩大了VHRA,以涵盖基于性取向的歧视, 性别认同, 资深地位, 婚姻状况.  根据新修订, 《现金网官网》现在适用于就业条款和条件方面的所有歧视, 比如薪酬和晋升, 不仅仅是终止.  员工现在可以获得无限的赔偿损失, 惩罚性赔偿高达350美元,000, 合理的律师费和费用, 法院下达的禁令可能包括复职.  最后,VHRA现在有了一个新的执行方案,本质上反映了第七章.  Employees must file their claim with the Virginia Division of Human Rights (“VDHR”) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”).  一旦VDHR或EEOC发出“起诉权”信函,员工就可以向州法院提出索赔.

These changes dramatic所有y swing the pendulum in favor of employees and are expected to result in a torrent of discrimination-related litigation against employers in state courts.  一般, 弗吉尼亚州的联邦法院更容易接受在即决判决动议中处理虚假索赔, 这样可以避免不必要的庭审费用.  第七章的诉讼占据了联邦法院案件的很大一部分, 联邦法官有经验迅速处理无法律依据的案件.  现在, 然而, 员工可以向州法院提出索赔,在那里他们更有可能得到审判, 无论他们的主张多么薄弱,无论法官在处理此类案件方面几乎没有经验. 


The General Assembly also passed new legislation that amends the VHRA to (1) specific所有y prohibit discrimination based on 怀孕, 分娩, or related medical 条件 and (2) to require that employers engage in an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations for limitations based on these protected categories, 只要这种住宿不会对雇主造成不适当的困难.  一个例子是更频繁或更长时间的哺乳休息.  法律明确禁止雇主在有其他合理安排的情况下要求雇员休假. 它还禁止雇主对行使法律规定的权利的雇员进行报复.  员工认为违反本法规定的,可以向法院提起诉讼,而不必提起行政诉讼.

The law also requires employers to post information regarding these rights in a conspicuous location (the Virginia 劳工部 and Industry (“DOLI”) expects to have posters ready by October), 把这些信息写进员工手册, 并将信息提供给(1)新员工, (2)雇员在收到通知后10天内告知雇主自己怀孕, (3)在10月29日之前辞退所有在职员工, 2020.


与普遍的看法相反, 有一个书面的承包商协议并不能保证“承包商”不是雇员.  雇主经常使用承包商来避免支付员工福利和维持员工的交易成本.  Studies have shown that Virginia loses millions in taxes every year due to employers’ misclassification of employees as contractors.  多年来,国家一直在齐心协力打击这种做法, 现在,立法机关通过几项新法律提供了额外的工具. 


  1. any individual who receives remuneration for services provided is presumed to be an employee of the company unless the company can prove that the employee is a contractor under IRS guidelines (26 C.F.R. § 31.3121(d)-1); 
  1. 雇员可以起诉雇主“故意”将他们错误地归类为承包商. 一个成功的员工可以得到损失的工资, 工资, 员工福利, 合理的律师费和费用, 以及雇员发生的本应由保险支付的任何费用;  
  1. DOLI有权对违规者进行民事处罚, 如果他们是政府承包商, 他们将被禁止与弗吉尼亚州的公共机构或机构签订任何合同一年(对屡犯者来说时间更长); 
  1. employers are now prohibited from entering into any written agreement that misclassifies an employee as a contractor or that does not accurately reflect the parties’ relationship; and 
  1. employers are prohibited from retaliating against any individual who reports or plans to report a misclassification or who participates in a misclassification investigation.

推定和民事处罚直到1月1日才生效, 2021, 但其余大部分将于7月1日生效, 2020.


直到现在, 如果雇主没有支付他们挣来的工资, 员工只能通过向DOLI投诉来寻求救济, 谁会调查此事并处以不超过1美元的罚款,雇主支付000英镑.  The General Assembly amended the Virginia Wage Payment Act (“VWPA”) to provide employees a private right of action for any unpaid wages. 员工可以起诉并获得任何被扣留的补偿, 等值的违约金, 到期时的8%利息, 合理的律师费和诉讼费.  如果确定雇主“故意”不支付工资, 雇员可以得到拖欠工资的三倍, DOLI可以评估最高1美元的民事罚款,000.  无需等待管理耗尽, 员工可以单独起诉, 和其他员工, 或者可以根据《现金网官网》的规定代表一群雇员提起集体诉讼.

The General Assembly also passed legislation that would 所有ow DOLI to expand its investigation to include other employees if it reasonably believes the employer is violating their rights under the VWPA. 如果DOLI认为雇主违反了VWPA, 它可以代表雇员或雇员起诉雇主.  It should be noted that the VWPA includes existing provisions covering issues such as the frequency of wage payment and the need for written consent for most deductions.


这是一种全国性的限制趋势, 甚至禁止, 竞业禁止协议的使用, 也被称为“不竞争的契约”.今年, 弗吉尼亚州顺应潮流,禁止雇主“进入”, 执行, 或者威胁要强制执行雇主和低薪雇员之间不竞争的契约.该法律适用于2020年7月1日或之后签订的任何竞业禁止协议.

该法案对“低薪雇员”的定义相当宽泛,” defining such as anyone who receives less than the average weekly wage of the Commonwealth as determined by the Virginia Employment Commission.  目前的平均周薪是1125美元或58500美元一年. Employers are also prevented from entering into a non-competition agreement with independent contractors whose hourly rate “is less than the median hourly wage for the Commonwealth for 所有 occupations as reported, 前一年, 由美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)提供.S. 劳工部.目前的税率是20美元.每小时30美元,换算成年薪56740美元.  这些比率每季度和每年调整一次, 所以竞业禁止协议在今天是可以强制执行的, 可能不是在未来.  对雇主来说幸运的是, 该法律不包括薪酬“全部或主要部分”来自销售佣金的雇员, 激励, 或奖金.

法律将不竞争契约定义为“雇佣合同的一项条款”, 雇主和雇员之间的约束, 禁止, 或者限制个人的能力, 在个人的雇佣关系终止后, 和他以前的雇主竞争.“虽然这是一个悬而未决的问题, it would appear from the language of the law that such covenants would include any prohibition against soliciting an employer’s customers or clients.

低薪雇员可以起诉雇主违反或企图违反法律, 并可能得到“一切适当的救济”, 包括禁止任何人或雇主的行为, 责令支付违约金, 以及赔偿损失, 损害赔偿, 合理的律师费和诉讼费.法律还禁止雇主对提起此类诉讼的雇员进行报复.  另外, DOLI可以征收10美元的罚款,对其认定违反法律的任何雇主进行民事处罚.

最后,雇主必须张贴一份法律相关部分的副本或摘要(Va. 法典第40条.1-28.7:7)到2020年7月1日.

It should be noted that the law specific所有y states that it does not limit an employer’s ability to enter into a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement that protects trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information.


在今年之前,弗吉尼亚州对举报人没有真正的法律保护. 然而, 7月1日起, 2020, 雇主不得“解雇”雇员, 纪律, 威胁, 歧视, 或者惩罚员工, 或者对员工的补偿采取其他报复行动, 条款, 条件, location, 或者雇佣特权,因为员工:

  1. Or a person acting on behalf of the employee in good faith reports a violation of any federal or state law or regulation to a supervisor or to any governmental body or law-enforcement official; 
  1. 是否被政府机构或执法官员要求参与调查, 听力, 或调查; 
  1. 拒绝从事可能被追究刑事责任的犯罪行为; 
  1. Refuses an employer's order to perform an action that violates any federal or state law or regulation and the employee informs the employer that the order is being refused for that reason; or 
  1. 向进行调查的任何政府机构或执法官员提供信息或作证, 听力, 或调查任何涉嫌违反联邦或州法律法规的雇主.

与其他法律一样,这项新法规允许雇员提起诉讼来行使他们的权利.  法院可以裁定下列救济:(i)限制继续违反本条的禁令, (ii)恢复该雇员在报复行动发生前的职位或同等职位, (三)赔偿工资损失, 好处, 及其他报酬, 连同利息, 以及合理的律师费和诉讼费.


The sea change in employee protections will likely result in a greatly increased litigation burden on the state court system that has been struggling to handle its current caseload from a massive backlog due to the Covid-19 restrictions.  Employers can expect to see disgruntled employees and former employees rushing to take advantage of their new access to more plaintiff-friendly state courts.  现在, 更甚于以往, 雇主应该制定适当的协议来记录和一致地执行他们的政策和法律责任.

杰夫•威尔逊 是一个现金网官网 & 专注于劳动法事务的现金网官网律师, 包括咨询和商业诉讼.

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